With a year filled with noteworthy performances, these solo artists proved that their star power is just as strong as that of idol groups, garnering the same or even more praise and recognition for their stages. Bringing their brilliant concepts to life, here are our picks of the 12 best solo K-Pop stage performances in 2022.  

1. WonHo - ‘EYE ON YOU’, ‘CRAZY’ and ‘Don’t Regret’

What can we say about WonHo in 2022? One word, Outstanding! Since he made his solo debut, we have come to see WonHo fully express his colors as an artist. His soothing voice can be heard in the different genres he produces in, and still retain its strong and memorable impact. WonHo gave us incredible music this year, we saw him grow with each release as his sound became more refined. And when it came to performances, without any lingering doubt about his prowess, we were left in awe with each comeback, regardless of the number of times he performed his songs.  

2. WOODZ - ‘I Hate You’

WOODZ!! There are simply no words that would do proper justice in describing WOODZ’s performances this year, but all we can say is that he is THE ARTIST. He just keeps getting better and better. Over the years, spreading his wings across many genres, WOODZ has set himself apart from the crop of talented idols with his passion to create something unique, different, and mind-blowing. And this year, he continues in his powerful strides as he left us in awe with his comeback performances. Bringing the emo punk rock vibes to life on stage, we utterly enjoyed his performances and right now, we greedily want him to take on a full rock concept next. WOODZ playing the strings of a guitar while belting his high notes?! Now that would be a sight to behold.  

3. TWICE’s NaYeon - ‘POP’

With her solo debut, NaYeon came to slay and conquer and she did that with a colorful flair that left us in awe and desperately craving for more! One of the best songs and performances this year, NaYeon swayed the hearts of old and new fans, shining so brightly on stage with her chic dance moves and melodious vocals. With a remarkable solo debut like this, we cannot wait to see what soloist NaYeon shows us in the future.  

4. EXO’s Xiumin - ‘Brand New’

We’ve longed for it, we’ve begged for it, we wished on the stars for it and in 2022, our prayers were finally answered and we got soloist Xiumin to make his debut. While with their groups, many idols can still shine but as a soloist, the spotlight is solely focused on them and we get to see all the colorful ranges of their charms. Xiumin perfectly held our gaze and left us stunned with his solo debut this year. His performances were truly enjoyable and made us crave for more. We don’t know when next we will get solo Xiumin again (hopefully soon) but we will use this performance to satiate our hunger for now.  

5. Kang Daniel - ‘Upside Down’

In the first half of the year list of this themed article, we mentioned Kang Daniel already had one of the best albums of 2022, and despite the amazing works that have been released by other artists this year, we still stand by this statement. Transmitting the colorful range of emotions his ‘Upside Down’ breeds to the stage, he made us enjoy the song even more with his performances.  

6. BTOB’s MinHyuk - ‘BOOM’

Boom! MinHyuk came back with fires in his veins and burned the stage to absolution with his performances of ‘BOOM’. Showing his all-rounder status is real and true, he amazed us with his vocals, rap, and addictive choreography. MinHyuk has contributed to a chapter or two in the book on “stage presence” because his stages are ones that many need to take a cue from. He totally engages the crowd with his energy and charismatic appearance, and with his visuals, you cannot take your eyes off him on stage.  

7. ChungHa - ‘Sparkling’

When anyone makes a list of artists who are impeccable performers, ChungHa is no doubt a high ranker on it as her stage performances are always top tier. ChungHa brings everything and leaves it all on the stage. Concept, choreography, looks, vocals, and more, when ChungHa performs, there is not one bad critic that follows as she excels in this department.  

8. BaekHo - ‘No Rules’

Following the news of NU’EST’s disbandment, we waited patiently to see what the former members would do as soloists. And we must say, we are deeply satisfied with BaekHo’s solo debut. From his outfits to the choreography, and the settings on the stage, his performances were like conceptualized art. He kept our gaze with his expressions that conveyed the message of desire from the lyrics of his songs while blessing our ears with his soothing live vocals as well.  

9. EXO’s SuHo - ‘Grey Suit’ and ‘Hurdle’

Sometimes, all you need is just a mic, your raw vocals, and a band to deliver a memorable and outstanding performance. And that is the case of SuHo with his comebacks this year. SuHo has always presented a feeling of maturity with his songs and with this comeback, there is more depth to his lyrics and his delivery as well. He beautifully conveys the emotions of his song with his performance and had us locked, almost in a transfixed-like state as we simply cannot help but stay still and let his message sink in.  

10. SunMi - ‘Heart Burn’

Fairytale princess and an ethereal goddess, SunMi didn’t just give us the good kind of heartburn with this performance, she also made our hearts race with her sultry and soft vocals, captivating visuals, and silky dance moves. SunMi continues to redefine her artistry with each comeback, showing us a new side to her creativity and style and like her previous comebacks, she always delivers with such grace and finesse that makes us proud.  

11. Psy - ‘That That’ ft SUGA

2022! The king is back! The energy! Psy has the right recipes that make his songs and performances a massive hit. He doesn’t just perform but he gives you an experience, whether you’re in the crowds or watching from your screens, you are carried along on this exciting and exhilarating ride that leaves you utterly exasperated and satisfied afterward.  

12. Jessi

In the last 3 years, Jessi has proven to be a viral hitmaker and garnered incredible chart-topping successes that have earned her due global recognition. ‘ZOOM’ yet again, had us on our dancing feet, performing its choreography alongside Jessi who delivered an incredible and stylish stage. Her stage presence continues to be top-tier and a driving force that makes her performance not just enjoyable or entertaining but also stands out. Which of these performances is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below.   The Best Female K-Pop Group Performances In 2022 KPOP STORIES|Dec 20, 2022 The Best Male K-Pop Group Performances In 2022 KPOP STORIES|Dec 19, 2022 Top 15 Best Male Group Stage Performances (First Half Of 2022) KPOP STORIES|Jun 30, 2022 Top 12 Best Solo Stage Performances (First Half Of The Year) KPOP STORIES|Jun 29, 2022

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